Hugo Zaragoza Presents at Big Thinkers India Series

Jun 22, 2010

On June 11th, Hugo Zaragoza presented "Helping Computers Understand What They Search" as part of the Big Thinkers India Series. Abstract Despite having a very limited understanding of human language, Web Search Engines routinely perform formidable search feats for us. For many years researchers have attempted to increase computer’s abilities to analyze written language to perform tasks such as searching and summarizing information on the Web. However, this has proven much harder to do than it first seemed. In this talk Zaragoza explores the difficulties and the most notable advances in the area both from a scientific and a commercial perspective. Bio Hugo leads the Natural Language Retrieval Group at Yahoo Research in Barcelona. He is interested in the applications of natural language processing and machine learning to information retrieval, Web search, and information access in general. At Yahoo, he has helped develop the Web search relevance ranking function and has led the development of the Yahoo Sandbox demos Correlator and Quest. For video of Hugo's talk, visit