A Web-site-based partitioning technique for reducing preprocessing overhead of parallel PageRank computation

Jan 1, 2007

A power method formulation, which e?ciently handles the problem of dangling pages, is investigated for parallelization of PageRank computation. Hypergraph-partitioning-based sparse matrix partitioning methods can be successfully used for e?cient parallelization. However, the preprocessing overhead due to hypergraph partitioning, which must be repeated often due to the evolving nature of the Web, is quite signi?cant compared to the duration of the PageRank computation. To alleviate this problem, we utilize the information that sites form a natural clustering on pages to propose a site-based hypergraph-partitioning technique, which does not degrade the quality of the parallelization. We also propose an e?cient parallelization scheme for matrix-vector multiplies in order to avoid possible communication due to the pages without in-links. Experimental results on realistic datasets validate the e?ectiveness of the proposed models.


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  • Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Umea, Sweden
