
Arijit Khan presents "Towards Querying and Mining of Big-Graphs"

Dr. Arijit Khan presents research covering the "Querying and Mining of Big-Graphs" in order to better structure vast data sources on the Internet.

Time-sensitive Personalized Query Auto-Completion

We discuss ongoing work combining time-awareness and personalization in regard to Query auto-completion (QAC), a popular feature of many search engines.

Cristian Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil presents "Language and Social Dynamics in Online Communities"

I will show how exploiting natural-language digital traces under a computational framework can bring a new understanding of online social dynamics.

Jorge Quiané-Ruiz presents "Let's Stop Hurting the Poor Yellow Elephant!"

In this talk, I will present Oryx, a powerful and general data processing system where User Defined Functions (UDFs) are the first-class citizens.

Gokce Gorbil speaks about "Network Security in the Smart Mobile Ecosystem"

In this talk, Dr. Gokce Gorbil speaks about improving mobile network security with a security approach that integrates different technologies.
